18 September 2024 at 10:38 am
From the CE: Ki te Ao - To the World
Dr Linda Sissons, Acting Chief Executive of Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao, shares her reflections as she prepares to handover to incoming Chief Executive Amanda Malu.

Tēnā koutou katoa
This will be my last column as Acting Chief Executive, as later this month I will be handing over to Amanda Malu, ENZ’s incoming Chief Executive.
It has been a privilege to lead ENZ since November 2023. Over the past eleven months I have had the pleasure of connecting with the sector and New Zealand Inc colleagues to advance New Zealand’s international education offerings to the world. I have also deeply valued being part of the ENZ team – I have been awed by the commitment everyone has to international education.
It has been inspiring to be part of New Zealand Inc’s commitment to double the value of our exports in the next decade. We are working alongside our major export agencies, and collectively working to find solutions.
The Government has also signalled increased focus on Southeast Asia as a key market for New Zealand. Recently I was pleased to join our Minister, Hon Penny Simmonds, when she held bilateral meetings with senior delegations from the Philippines and Viet Nam.
Some of the highlights during my time at the helm have included interacting with scholars at the first ever Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Conference in May, attending the New Zealand – China Education Forum with China’s Minister of Education His Excellency Dr Huai Jinpeng in June, and receiving the President of India, Honorable Smt. Droupadi Murmu, at our New Zealand International Education Conference (NZIEC) KI TUA in August. It has been wonderful to witness first-hand the transformative power of international education.
I would like to acknowledge and thank everyone in the sector who work so hard to grow international education and its value to New Zealand. As I return to the Board, I am very much looking forward to seeing the sector continue to flourish.
Kei ōu ringaringa te ao.
The world is yours.
Dr Linda Sissons
Acting Chief Executive
Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao